Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hey there

after 3-4 days of eating like a pig (i*m really glad that there is no scales here) i ate something bout 450 calories today. There*s enough time until monday to reach my 49kg again I hope.
My host has been asking me if I*m on a diet. I said "yes, i think i gained bout 200 kg in the last 4 days". He answered "no, you*re skinny"... am i??? not sure anymore. :( feeling really fat cuz i*ve been eating things with cream! cake and that horrible stuff. but it was so tasty... *sigh*

i really miss u!!!! <3

sikia njaa

1 comment:

  1. Hallo! I've been meaning to stop by and say hi.

    A Sudanese woman I know once told me about a saying in Sudan, something like, "if two people tell you you don't have a head, you better go check the mirror," meaning that even if you're convinced your head is just fine, you better check just in case, because maybe they see something you don't.

    So if people are telling you you're skinny, I'm guessing it's because they see you more clearly than you see yourself. I completely understand the doubt though; I get caught up in it too.

    I hope you're having fun on holiday despite feeling weird about food sometimes. You'll have to give us a full update when you return. I miss you in the group!
