Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm sitting here, drinking coffee and chain-smoking cigarettes! ;)
Yesterday I took some laxatives and I'm glad to tell you that I lost weight again. After a plateau for 1 week (always 50,9 - 51,2kg) I'm at 50,1kg (110,22 lbs) today. It's not only cuz of the laxatives. Last time I took them I didn't lose anything regardless.
Now my BMI is 17,96. What means it is under 18 and it makes me so happy today. I'm jumping through my living room all the time! :)

2kg more for reaching my aim!
Since December 31 I lost 5kg! What means 5kg (11 lbs) in 34 days. It's great. I'm feeling so light and wonderful. Like a fairy... :)

On my old (broken) scales I would weigh 49kg today!!! :-O GREAT!!! :)

I'm looking forward for the 48kg (105,6 lbs)! :) Maybe I can recover my old plan by losing anything in my holidays. It's complicated cuz of the friend who will be with me... But I will try not to binge. Okay, I assume that I will gain some weight :/ But maybe the holiday will work like a great refeed! ;)

All my love!

Sikia njaa*

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on breaking the plateau. It always feel so good! Mine will be broken by Friday no matter what. Today I will take laxatives at night so that tomorrow I will be less. I have the weight of food in me, and once that's gone, I think I will be less. I have class today so I can't take anything this morning, otherwise I would be taking them right now! I threw up last night but all that came up was acid and water. My body is just going crazy. It usually does this for awhile when my weight drops too low, but it's only temporary, and I will beat it!

