Friday, March 18, 2011

Okay, I really wanna be dead!!!

My new scales showed 56,1kg yesterday.
Then I've been walking for 30 minutes, drank 3 litres of tea and ate 700 kcal.

And what happened?

I weigh 56,4kg today on my new scales and 56,9kg on the old one.

WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??? I lost 100g since monday!!!!! HELP ME!!!

Today I'll eat more to leverage my metabolism. Tomorrow I'll eat not more than 300 kcal and will take laxatives. Oh please help me... I wanna be dead... I really really wanna be dead.

1 comment:

  1. I just read your entire blog! i especially loved your recipes, I will try them to help me reach my goal. Keep your chin up! You will get to your goal eventually, (you did before so you know you can do it, just work hard)
