Sunday, February 28, 2010


Today I've had breakfast (1 toast with jam) for speeding up my metabolism. I hate it to eat in the morning... Then I'm always feeling fat all day long.

My lunch was spinach, red cabbage and egg white. AND a little bit oil after I read that oil is necessary for weight loss! *haha* :)

Dinner were an apple and a fat free yoghurt, so I've had 370 calories today, that's okay I guess!

The "yoghurt celebration" (125g) lasted 30 minutes. Always dipping the teaspoon in the cup, then letting the yoghurt drain until there's only a thin film left. Drinking tea between every bite. NEVER shove the spoon into your mouth completely! JUST lick it up! ;)

Sometimes I'm thinking that I eat too much for an ana... What do u think? Okay, I'm losing weight anyway and my metabolism isn't slowed down too much. Maybe that's a reason to keep my way. Eating ca. 400 calories a day and 1-2 refeed days with 600-800 calories per week.

PS: Thanks Asha for your comment on the former posting. Maybe I'm not the only one who collects parents...?

1 comment:

  1. No, you're definitely not the only one who collects parents. That's a great way of putting it. I think people need all the parents they can get, and all the brothers and sisters too. Real families can be so dysfunctional, but when you pick and choose from non-relatives, it's nice :)

    And you're not the only one who eats like that either. Haha I even just wrote about it in today's note, about how I'm sitting here "eating" my liquid protein shake with a spoon, dipping it in until the spoon just has a little film on it. Oh, the crazy things we do...

    I do worry about you though, so as always, if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me <3
