Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hej, my Anas.

I've been bicycling today. 110 minutes! :) I guess I burned something about 500 calories!

Today the sun is shining, it's warm here (12°C = 54°F). The sky is blue and the air very fresh and springlike :D
Okay, I thought I would die while cycling... But hey! 500 calories!!! When I came home I ate a cereal bar (70cal) and a small apple (50cal).

Edit 8pm: Ate 390 cal today. I need 1600 calories a day. I burned 500 by cycling. So I would have needed 2100 calories today. It's a minus of 1710 calories. That are 25% of ONE kilo fat (to burn 1kg fat you need to save 7000 calories).

It was so good, that my friend came around yesterday!!! I don't regret that I called him

But I'm a little bit worried bout him. He seemed not happy yesterday and I KNOW that there's something in his life going wrong! =( That makes me sad. I wanna see him happy. Not pensive and so on... =(

PS: Related to some PMs in Facebook: NO, I didn't fall in love with that friend... Okay, I love him. I love him very much... He is something like the leader of the family in my heart at the moment. But I love him like a friend, I love him like a daddy. Like a daddy I've never had! Yes, I would die for him, yes I would! But I'm not interested in any love attachment with him. Absolutely not! My dears... this man is nearly 40 years older than me! :D

Edit: Okay... I told a little lie. Yes, I love him like a good friend, like a daddy and i'm not sure... maybe a little bit like a lover. But anyway: I'm NOT interested in any love attachment! I want to keep the relationship like it is! That's the reason why I'll NEVER tell him the truth! ;)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had a nice bikeride. Exercise gets the endorphins going...just don't overdo it love.

    I can relate to you about your older friend too. I've felt like that about several people over the years. I must have daddy issues... It's normal to want somebody to take care of you, I think...someone to comfort you and just hug you and let you cry until you have no tears left.
